Thursday, 12 September 2013

Day Fourteen

Organised chaos today, complete contrast to yesterday.  We've two plumbers and two chippies on site.

The pipework is being extended up into the loft for the new bathroom so that the floor can be laid.  While the pipework was being sorted the chippies worked on the supports for the new stairs.  Then once the pipework was completed they started on the floor.

It was a close shave with the connection to the existing soil pipe as it had to drop off at a certain rate and we only just made it over the steel joist.  For a moment there it looked like the toilet would have to be about three feet off the ground !!

The big challenge at the moment is how we get access to the remaining loft space above the main bedroom. This is being used for storing some things that we just can't throw away.  The original plan was to have a cupboard door in the new bathroom but it looks like the waste pipe for the sink is going to run right through the middle of that space.  There are still a couple more options to try but we won't know for certain until the stairs are in.

On the plus side though it looks like we'll be able to have a slightly larger window at the gable end.  The hole will be enlarged tomorrow and then measured for the new window.  We'll also have the stairs guy here tomorrow to measure up.

I still can't believe it's only two weeks since the scaffolding went up.  Now that the bulk of the structural work has been completed it'll be no time before all the walls are up etc.

Next job for us is a visit to the local plumbing shops to pick up a new toilet and sink.

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