Monday, 21 October 2013

Day Fifty Three

Why is it the closer you get to the end of a Project the more intense and stressful it gets ?

I can think of two reasons straight away;

1) There is more work that we have to do ourselves now
2) The invoices will be coming in soon !

The electrician was here today fitting the lights and sockets etc.  He's not quite finished so we still don't have light up there yet.  Which meant of course that I got the evening off.
(not that sitting at my desk working was a night off though).

We also had the plasterer back so he could check out what is left to do.  He'll be back tomorrow to finish off.  I think the roofer will be calling in as well to fit the remaining vented tile.

I also spoke to the painter and reduced the amount of work we want him to do (thus reducing the cost).  The only problem is that means I have to do more work.  Work which includes staining the new stairs (several times).....I can't wait !

No pictures today (too busy) but i'll get some tomorrow.

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